I have a Moleskine just like this that my friend Wok got me for my 30th, but try as I may it looks nothing like this. It's mostly full of notes of movies to watch, books to read, dates to remember and a total of two terrible drawings of hands. Hats off to Guilherme Dietrich who shows us all how it's done. Found via Booooooom.


maaike00 said...

nice post Schweinehund!Love this!Too bad my moelskine's also don't quite live up to these:).

Anonymous said...

JP these are insane!!! I simply looove them! *sigh* Im loving your blog! Inspiration material! *woohoooo*

Fernando Elvira said...

Good stuff. Hey nice to meet you fellow blogger.

Aldihen said...

Hey, I was looking for Guilherme Dietrich's works and found your blog, I like it so I'm following.